Navy outfit, a Go-To colour for a elegant style

Navy outfit, a Go-To colour for a elegant style

The collections for the new season are already in the shops and, as always in the summer, I am not interested at all, so I show you my navy outfit, a oldy. I always want to wear my summer clothes for as long as possible and enjoy eating outside and sitting outside in the evening. And that doesn’t include fall clothes for me. Although I must say that I always think the autumn collections are the most beautiful ones. But I don’t want to see it yet and I don’t need to know it yet. Autumn lasts long enough.

A old navy outfit, and I ‘m done with it

So something on repeat today because I haven’t bought anything new in a while! It really wasn’t necessary, as I wore my summer clothes for such a short period this year. Because of the bad weather. Shelbee and I did shades of blue in August for The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. And this navy outfit I showed on her blog. 

I never loved navy when I was younger. It was a bit of a posh colour. I only started wearing navy since a year of eight ago. Now I think it is a very elegant colour. And navy really looks good with any other colour. I personally like blue the best with green. But today I am in a bit of a holiday mood and wearing it with navy and white stripes.

Boring Betty is my middle name……

I’m not the type of person who never wears an outfit the same way. In fact, I wear my outfits the same way very often. Yeah, I am a real Boring Betty. Which I think is a shame on the one hand. On the other hand, I think the outfit I often wear is the most beautiful way to wear that piece of clothing, so yeah, why not.

Look, I don’t have so few clothes that people think, wow, there’s her in that dress again. Rather the opposite is the case. And I usually remember when I’ve worn something somewhere, on a birthday or something. Then I won’t wear that again when I meet the same people. So nothing wrong with wearing a outfit on repeat.

But I’m quite tired of this navy outfit. I’m a bit tired of these types of jackets so I think I’m going to sell them. And the skirt…I don’t know yet. So I usually wear something striped and white sneakers and that’s starting to bore me. And the skirt is polyester and very sticky. And I actually like it much better with a sweater and boots, but it’s way too thin for that. I think I’m done with the skirt too. Haha, it cleans up nicely that way. ( more room for something new, haha)

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