Berlook swimwear! Get ready for sunshine!

Is it time to pick out some new swimwear? If only it were warm enough for that. Well, of course you can have a look at the latest swimwear collections and buy them now before the ones you like are sold out(story of my life). I always pay far too little attention to my swimwear. I actually only wear it […]

Bittersweet memories- and first velvet garment

Oh I always hate the first months of the new year. Bittersweet memories, holidays are over, the dullness, the grey weather, the freezing cold. I can always get so sad when something has been really fun, like the holidays, and then it’s over. As if there will never be any more fun times. While the reality is of course that […]

Why would you want the same trousers in multiple colours

Have you ever bought the same trousers in multiple colours? Why would you? It always sounded so boring and so uninspired to me. (like my style isn’t boring and uninspiring…..) Well, there are 3 more of these trousers in my shopping cart. Oeps….have to swallow my words….And what is it with green over sudden? I always liked the colour, but […]

Lurex two piece for a matchy matchy girl

I already showed you this lurex two piece set at The Thrifty Six. If you haven’t seen it yet, go ahead and subscribe → to my blog! Just kidding. Or actually not really. Of course I want many people to read my blog. While the reality is that blogs are much less popular than years ago. I also notice that […]