The soundtrack of style, outfit that made me think of music

Have no idea why, but this outfit makes me think of music! So let’s talk about what music does for you. Do you also feel that music can make you so emotional, happy or sad? Or that you still have those songs in your head a week after a concert? So I had it after the festival, but also after concerts. Throughout […]

Little black dress gets a update: The black shirtdress

After all the colours of the past few weeks, I’m ready to show you a black shirtdress. I’m actually not a fan of shirtdresses at all. I don’t really know why. I think I usually find them unshapely. And since I already have a unshapeless figure, such a dress does nothing for me. But I was doing some shopping at […]

DIY Cellulite Reduction Techniques: Do They Work?

If you’ve ever spent a lazy Sunday scrolling through social media, chances are you’ve stumbled upon various DIY cellulite reduction techniques promising miraculous results. From coffee scrubs to dry brushing, the internet is flooded with at-home remedies that claim to banish cellulite for good. But do these DIY methods really work, or is it just another case of wishful thinking? […]

Think Pink: Embracing the colour with confidence

I remember a pink outfit when I ordered this one. It must have been about 30 years ago and was bought at H&M, when it still sold really cool clothes. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but back in the day……there was a very small H&M in Arnhem when they just opened stores in the Netherlands. At that time I […]