Zuvi Halo LightCare review

Zuvi Halo LightCare review

I received the Zuvi Halo LightCare to review, which is fabulous because I always struggle a lot with my hair. Not only with styling it, I am so awkward with any styling tool for hair. But also, if I have too many curls, I want it straighter. If I have more waves than curls, it’s not good either. Do I have it shorter, I want it longer. Do I have layers, I want it on one length. Tell me this is a women’s thing right?

About the Zuvi Halo hairdryer

Now, I think, I have my hair the way I want it (for now). And maybe you don’t see any difference at all in recent years. But with me every lock of hair has to be perfect.(which it never is…..) Now that is quite difficult with my hair, because I have a lot of thick, curly and dry hair. And I’ve been looking for the perfect way to style my hair for the last few months. And now I have found a nice hair dryer. (it actually found me) Because that’s the basis right? Healthy hair is beautiful hair.

What am I talking about? About the Zuvi Halo! The Zuvi Halo uses patented LightCare technology to dry the surface of your hair, protecting hair moisture within the hair shaft. Zuvi’s Halo LightCare uses light to dry only the waterdroplets on the surface of your hair. So your hair will not be damaged by the heat of a hair dryer.

My Zuvi Halo LightCare review

I can tell you all the technical ins and outs here, but if you are interested in the Zuvi Halo, you can find everything you want to know here. I always find it more important what other women, me in this case, think of it. And I’m going to tell you that. And if you know me, then you know I am brutaly honest. ( I am Dutch)

I’ve tried the Zuvi Halo in different ways and times for you. I have used the same shampoo and conditioner and the same leave in. For the best possible comparable result. The first time I used the diffuser to keep as much of my curls as possible. After drying my hair with the diffuser, I immediately noticed how soft my hair was and that the curls were much better than with my old diffuser. But also the days after (until the next wash) my hair looked much better. Less fluffy, much less fluffy, and the curl stayed in much better. I was quite surprised.

Then I tried the styling tool. Well I’m not great at styling my hair but with a curling brush and the styling tool I came to this. Also so very soft and such little fluff. I hadn’t thought that the Zuvi Halo would make that much difference, but it sure does! You can also quick dry without tools. And the Zuvi is super light and easy in use.

I already put my old hairdryer in the closet, as te Zuvi Halo is really really so much better for my hair. Very pleased with it!

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